Maandag, 22 Augustus 2011
Woke up, ate, and Marcela and I biked to the bus stop. There was a mis-communication about if we were just going to the bus stop to check times, or actually going to use the bus, so it was a hectic morning. We didn't know how to use the website that says when the bus comes, so we just went to the bus stop to wait for the next bus. Well, we read the sign at the stop, and we had missed the bus by like 5 minutes, so we waited at the stop for an hour for the next one (we knew if we biked home to wait, we'd miss the next bus somehow).
At Antwerpen, we got some Miccy D's and walked around for like 3 hours trying to find the icecream shop. We knew it was by a church, so when we saw churches we went towards them (Truut later told us that there are over like 100 churches in Antwerpen >.<) So, after the 3 hours we ended up at the train station, right where we started. Even though Marcela's shoes were rubbing her feet raw (wrong choice of shoes; she forgot to switch them before we left, as she had dressed before to just check times at the bus stop) and it was raining, we asked around and found directions to where the icecream place was (we just asked where the water was, we we're pretty sure we knew the way from there). After a painfully long walk for Marcela (about 20 minutes), we ended up at the cathedral that the icecream shop was close to. We walked around until we found the shop.
It was closed.
Upon looking closer, we saw it's usually open on Mondays, but of course, it was closed specially today for some reason (the sign was in Dutch so we couldn't read the excuse). We sat down, utterly tired, and I looked to Marcela like, "At least we know the way to the shop for next time!". She looked like she was about to hit me when I said that. :P
Walked about, and bought Marcela some 4 euro flipflops because she literally couldn't walk. It was pretty funny to see. When we went to take the bus home, we were pretty confused on where to be, and there was a creepy guy on one side of the street, so we went to the other side, hoping the bus would come there. Luckily, we found a guy that spoke English, and he pointed us to a bigger bus stop down the street. But right as we were walking to that station, our bus pulled up in front of us - we just needed to recross the street to get in. It was the same bus driver that dropped us off, and I think he was laughing at us (he knew from getting us to Antwerpen that we were foreigners).
Home, went online. Two big problems, both relating to the rotary meeting on Thursday in Brussels. First, they said that I needed two flags from my home club to exchange. What? Apparently I'm the only exchange student (besides the other girl from my club who went to Brasil) that didn't know clubs had flags and exchanged them. Ugh. And two, they were like, you need to dress up for the meeting, skirts for females, and no sneakers. WHAT? I emailed and they said I could wear dress pants, that's fine, but no sneakers? Dress shoes are not appropriate for walking around Brussels for like 6 hours. I think I may do what Marcela is doing and bring a second pair of shoes. :P
Oh, and this info? It was on an email I got in July, but I don't recall getting. I found it today after another exchange student texted me on skype talking about the dress code for Thursday, to which I was like "What dress code?". I don't know why I don't remember getting the email - I got it when I wasn't up north, and it's marked as read, but I really don't remember it at all. So that makes me mad that I didn't realize I had it, so I could have asked for club flags.
Uuugh. And to top all that off, facebook is really messing up for me. Not that big of a deal, but it's the topping on the cake for today - just pissing me off more than usual. We had dinner with Truut and Patrick (Siemen was out working), and they left for the farm, but I stayed home to work on emailing a bunch of people about these things. Had to listen to some country music to just not go crazy, because you can't feel like knocking heads when you're listening to "Beer For My Horses".
Watched the last episode of "A Game of Thrones". Ooooohmygoodness that was a great episode. I won't spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it, but ohmygod. Amazing. I totally called one of the things happening, but there were quite a few twists I didn't call. Spent some more time on reddit, skyped my mom, Kyle and Andi quick, and now it's time for bed (and listening to this awesome storm!). Slaapwel!
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