Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day 156

Maandag, 9 Januari 2012

School again.  :(  Frederik and Denise were at a meeting, so Marcela and I had the house to ourselves to get ready.  Got to the bus stop on time, bussed to school.  About an hour even.  :/  Thank goodness we both have Kindles!  Dutch school first, which was pretty fun - we hadn't hung out over break like we planned, so it was good to see everyone again.

Lunched with Santi, had a period in the library, then music theory.  Was going to go to my Latin class, but our teacher had a "talk" with us about people forgetting their assignments and such, and by the time he let us go the break was over and by the time I got to the Latin class it would have been fairly late.  Did some reading in the library, and then we bussed home.  Of course, Marcela and I didn't really know what stop to stop at (as we had only seen it once), so the last half hour was just us looking out the window and hoping to recognize a place.

Studied some Dutch and Latin, had dinner, and then Marcela and I ended up talking to Denise until 9 or so.  Quite a lot of fun.  Studied more, got ready for bed, and finally got to sleep around midnight.  Whoo.  :/

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