Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Day 276

Woensdag, 9 Mei 2012

Got up, bought my Norway tickets (so much more expensive than they were last week when I checked...), went to school.  Usual day.  Then, bus to Antwerp!  Met up with Jenna and Kate, walked around the white street, took some pictures, shopped a bit, went to the water, and then booked it to the icecream place because it started pouring!  Of course, Bernardo (who was meeting us there) decided to not remember how to get to the icecream place, so I had to go out in the rain to pick him up.  I was not happy.

Pictured: A not happy Kelsey

Then, we walked around a bit more, hung out, and then saw "The Avengers"!  AHH!  It was so good!  Kate had to leave near the end to get her train which sucked.  Then, I got a bus to Herentals, and I waaaas going to get the bus back to Lille, but the bus was juuuuust leaving when my bus pulled in, so I had to get a ride.  Anyway, rested a bit at home, and now it's time to sleep.  Slaapwel!

Also, check out this blog.  My best friend just graduated with a Bachelors in Art, and she's starting a drawing blog.  Basically, you can send her an email with something you want to see drawn, and maybe she'll pick it and draw it, and then it'll be posted on the website!  Cool, huh?  Even if you don't have any ideas, follow it!  It's good artwork :)

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