So, one week from today I leave for Korea. I feel as if I'm planned out most of the things I need - I've registered for classes (ending up on the wait list for a few), gotten my visa and plane tickets, paid for housing, found a hotel for the first night, and I have a rough idea of how I'll get from the airport to the school (best case: someone helps me on the subway, worst case: taxi). After being sick for a few weeks I've finally gotten up the energy to begin packing for the trip, a sharp contrast to when I went to Belgium and was obsessing over what to pack for weeks.
Speaking of Belgium, a few weeks ago (the beginning of me being sick, unfortunately), I was able to go back for a two week trip to visit everyone again and see the sights. My lovely third host family let me live with them again and my fanfare welcomed me back to visit and go to 21 hours of Teerfeest this year. It was a wonderful trip and I loved going back. I also bought a camera nicer than a point and shoot from a friend, and have been attempting to take better pictures, so hopefully these turned out as nice as I think they did.
Antwerp |
Brussels |
Bruges |
But anyways, a week until departure. This time I know that I'll be floundering to understand the language and culture and nothing I do will prepare me for it, so may as well sit back and enjoy the ride.
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