Maandag, 9 Juli 2012
So, first of many days away from home.
I got to wake up late, which was wonderful. Spent a few hours after cleaning up my room, packing for the week, and just relaxing. Got a bus to Turnhout around 4, bought some phone credit (last time!), and bought Jenna's going away present. Which was an American flag scarf - she absolutely hates it when people wear them, or when people mistake her for an American, so it was only appropriate :P
Walked around for a while, got some food, and then got the bus to Mol. I was just going to hang out in the station, but there was this creepy drunk guy there (he wasn't dissuaded by me speaking Spanish - which means saying the few phrases I know and hoping he doesn't speak Spanish - and pretending to not understand English or Dutch) so I left and went to a pub to hang out. Jenna's friend was going to meet me there, but he didn't show, so I just chilled by myself until she came (she was in Brugge).
Hung out there for a bit, gave her the gift (she was pissed but said she loves me so it's okay :P), and then went to meet her friend at a pool bar in a different part of town. Hung out there for a while - I just watched because I know I suck at pool - and then walked back to her house.
Then, the packing began. Not counting all of the clothes that are getting washed right now, I managed to fit all the rest of the clothes + chocolates + gifts + books + shoes + makeup and bathroom stuff in her 2 suitcases and a backpack, and she fit all the papers and other things in her laptop bag/carry-on. There's still about a collective 8 kilos she can still fit in the two suitcases, so she'll be more than fine for the weight limit (I hope - I don't know how much she has in the wash). I'm such a master packer~
Anyway, probably going to eat or just chill out a bit more, and then go to sleep. Slaapwel everyone!
And to whoever asked what a Bicky is (I assume you're an American), it's a fantastic burger. It's got a lot of different toppings that made me hate it the first time, but now I absolutely love it. It's hard to explain - it's not really hamburger meat, and I don't even know what's in some of the sauces. But it's delicious and I eat it entirely too much.
How to make a bicky burger:
Deep fried "meatish" patty in an industrial forever fresh wonderbread bun. The sauces , fried onions and gherkin are mainly there so you don't taste it too much.
Gebakken uitjes kun je vinden in eender welke oosterse supermarkt. Een broodje met sesamzaadjes vind je waarschijnlijk ook overal in de verenigde staten. Zelfde met schijfjes zoetzure augurk. Dus om Bikiburgers te kunnen maken nadat je naar huis bent gevlogen heb je enkel 3 flessen biki saus nodig.