Zondag, 15 Juli 2012
So, even after that much sleep, I managed to sleep through my alarms. I was supposed to be up at around 7.45 to get the buses and trains to Kortrijk - ended up sleeping until like 10.30, and I only woke up when Heidi came to my room to see what was up. Rushed through the morning, and then Bart and Heidi were nice enough to drive me to Dadizele for the drumline BBQ.
Basically just ate, talked with people, said goodbyes. One of the girls was leaving for the US later that day to work on the foodtruck for Scouts (where her boyfriend is marching), but my friend is marching there too (actually is one of Stijn's good friend's from what I've heard), so I wrote her a note to send to him quick. Got a ride back to the station with Marc, whose's an older fellow that has a huge interest in drumcorp and goes like every summer to help out one or corp another (or both - a lot of SCV and Bluecoats it seems). But first we stopped at Floralux, which is a HUGE flower store around Dadizele, which reminds me of a giant crafts store (and oh god I can't remember the name of the store I was thinking of to compare it to).
Got home around 6, ate a bit, and then slept, read a bit, and then slept until morning. I swear I have sympathetic jetlag or something, I don't know of any other reason why I'd be this tired.
Ask your hosty parents to order a few bottles of westvleteren trapist from the monastery to bring back home with you . Anyone around you that is seriously into beer and brewing will be very happy if you give them a bottle. Baring the occasional "one hit wonders" it is generally seen as the best beer in the world.