Friday, April 6, 2012

Day 242

Donderdag, 5 April 2012

Dad and I woke up at 8, had breakfast, and went back to the room at 9 to find mom still sleeping. Woke her up, and then the two of us went for a walk when she was getting ready. Around 1030 or so we got a train to Ieper. We met a couple from London right as we got off, and so we walked with them when they were trying to find their hotel. Brought them most of the way there, and then went to a frituur.

And, right as soon as we were done eating, they came in! So, we talked more, and the wife gave us a great walking circut to do in Londonn – they've brought a lot of people on it, and they said it's a good way to see the main sights in an easy loop. They gave us their phone number as well, just in case we needed some help or if we wanted to meet up.

Then, the 5 of us set out to go to the Flander's Field museum. I was pretty sure I knew where it was still (and we ate at the frituur I ate at last time I was in Ieper), but lo and behold it was closed. So, that was a huge bummer, considering we were planning on spending at least a few hours in there since it was such an in depth museum. Then we split up the them, and my parents and I walked to the Menin Gate, and then to the little graveyard back there.

As it was cold, we looked around the city only for a bit more before going to a pub. We realized it was still like 5 hours before the Last Post, so we opted out of seeing it and went back to Bruge (if the museum would have been open, the timing would have been perfect). Walked around Bruge a bit, ate at a really nice Chinese restaurant. Then, back to the hotel, slept.

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