Monday, November 7, 2011

Day 92

Zondag, 6 November 2011

Woke up fairly late, considering I thought I was going to be studying all day, and I wanted to make sure I was wide awake.  Of course, as soon as I woke up and ate Marcela came home, so we took some time to catch up.  A few minutes after I started working on my homework, Truut told me we had to go to a baby shower.

So, I then had to spend almost three hours standing around at the party with her, Patrick and Siemen (Marcela didn't need to come).  Got home, ate, finally got a chance to study.  Skyped with Kyle a bit, but seeing as how he was at the bar and didn't have headphones, the conversation wasn't that long.  But yeah, basically just studied and went to bed.

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